A Trusted Constitutional Lawyer in New Jersey

At the Law Office of Thomas Stavola Jr, LLC, your rights under the Constitution and civil law are our foremost priority. Our dedicated team, led by an experienced constitutional lawyer in New Jersey, is committed to providing exceptional legal services. We focus on civil rights law and civil litigation, ensuring your voice is heard, and your rights are defended.

What Are Civil Rights?

Civil rights are guaranteed and guarded by state and federal statutes and regulations, state constitutions, and the US Constitution. Civil rights litigation may include several areas, such as social freedom, discrimination, equality, and human rights.

Recognizing When You Need a Civil Rights Attorney

The scenarios necessitating a civil rights attorney are diverse and multifaceted. They can range from experiencing discrimination based on religious beliefs to encountering censorship or restrictions on freedom of speech, association, privacy, and the right to refuse certain medical treatments. 

Our services also extend to issues surrounding marriage, voting, travel, or the right to bear arms. If you are in any situation where you believe your civil rights are being infringed upon, our team is here to assist.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing the right legal representation is critical, and here at the Law Office of Thomas Stavola Jr, LLC, we offer legal expertise and a commitment to fighting for your civil rights and freedom. 

Our founder, a dedicated constitutional lawyer in New Jersey, has a proven track record of defending the Constitution and advocating for the civil rights of individuals, particularly in challenging and high-stakes situations.

Fighting for Your Rights and Freedom

Thomas Stavola’s noteworthy contribution to defending civil liberties began in 2015, notably opposing proposed legislation in New Jersey that sought to restrict religious exemptions from mandatory vaccination. 

His steadfast opposition and advocacy played a pivotal role in preserving these critical civil rights. This dedication underscores our firm’s philosophical cornerstone: protecting and championing diversity in thought, principle, and lifestyle rights as enshrined in our constitutional and civil frameworks.

Contact Us Today

If you believe your civil rights have been violated, please call us for a free consultation to determine whether a viable claim exists. If one does, we will provide the best possible service at a highly competitive cost to analyze your case and advise accordingly.

“Fighting For Your Civil Rights and Freedom… Defending the Constitution”

Mr. Stavola’s impactful journey as a constitutional lawyer in New Jersey began in earnest in 2015, when the New Jersey Legislature proposed a law to reduce the scope of religious exemptions from mandatory vaccination. In 2018 and 2019, the Legislature, once again, proposed legislation to restrict and, in the latter case, remove the religious exemption from state statutes. 

On all occasions, Mr. Stavola submitted written testimony. He gave oral testimony at the Statehouse in opposition to these spates of bills that attempted to constrain and/or remove the religious exemption in New Jersey. These successful outcomes underscore Mr. Stavola’s dedication to civil rights law and his adeptness in civil litigation.

Why It’s Important

Why is this important? Even if you personally disagree with the existence of a religious exemption from mandatory vaccination, one of the primary purposes of statutes/regulations guarding civil rights and constitutional rights is to protect those who may assert a minority position. 

For example, what is the purpose of the First Amendment if it only protects speech with which you agree? Our world is rich in diversity — diversity of religion, race, ethnicity, thoughts, ideas, and principles. These should be tolerated, revered, and guarded to the greatest extent possible.