experienced vaccine attorney new jersey

Thomas Stavola, Jr. graduated from Rutgers University Law School. He received the Leonard Zack Award for Academic Achievement and contributed as an editor of the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion. He is licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey, the State of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, the United States Court of Appeals – First Circuit, the United States Court of Appeals – Third Circuit, the United States Court of Appeals – District of Columbia, and the United States Court of Federal Claims. He received his undergraduate degree in Education-Science from Villanova University and MBA-Accounting degree from Monmouth University. He has experience as an attorney at one of the largest law firms in central New Jersey in matters pertaining to land use, zoning, and environmental and regulatory compliance. He is an experienced litigator has argued before various courts, including U.S. Federal District and U.S. Federal Appellate Court. Additionally, Mr. Stavola interned with a judge in the Superior Court, Criminal Division and has significant experience as an auditor at a public accounting firm in New Jersey.

Mr. Stavola has extensive knowledge in certain scientific disciplines through rigorous research over decades, including atmospheric science (see, here: lightinthestorm.com) and medical science, which enables him to rapidly comprehend, interpret, and synthesize studies and data derived from the biomedical and scientific literature. This greatly facilitates his ability to quickly identify and develop legal arguments in support of clients’ claims, including environmental and land use law. A firm background and ability to synthesize science is frequently very useful in civil rights and constitutional litigation as well. Mr. Stavola is a tireless advocate for his clients, highly self-motivated and dedicated to providing the best possible service to ensure client satisfaction.

Mr. Stavola is a member of the following professional organizations: New Jersey State Bar Association; The Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey; Monmouth Bar Association.