Experienced Vaccine Attorney in New Jersey

1. Vaccine Injury Attorney [in New Jersey and USA] 

Attorney Thomas Stavola Jr. is recognized as an experienced vaccine attorney in New Jersey. His ongoing commitment to securing justice and compensation for vaccine-injured individuals and families is a testament to his professionalism and empathy. With his deep understanding of the complexities associated with vaccine injury claims, including an educational background in the sciences, he remains a respected advocate for those adversely affected by vaccination.

2. Navigating Cases with Compassion and Expertise

Mr. Stavola is a supportive guide through the complex legal terrain of vaccine injury cases. His services go beyond providing legal advice, extending into understanding and empathy for those unexpectedly dealing with the fallout of vaccination. His mission is to help ensure victims receive appropriate financial compensation and peace of mind. As a vaccine injury attorney in New Jersey, Mr. Stavola offers a comprehensive insight into his expertise and unyielding dedication. He is critical in upholding justice and safeguarding trust in vaccination programs. This significant role contributes to both individual and broader community well-being.

3. Personal Tragedy: A Unique Perspective

His unique input into vaccine injury law comes from a personal tragedy his family had to confront in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims system.

At 10 years old, his sister Holly suffered a severe adverse reaction shortly after her second dose of the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine. Despite her previously healthy state, Holly tragically passed away due to acute disseminated encephalomyelitis caused by the MMR vaccine—an event recognized and compensated for by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Following this event, their mother passed an Antibody Blood Titer Law in New Jersey, locally known as “Holly’s Law.”
Please read more about Holly and the law here and here.

Because of this, Mr. Stavola, an experienced vaccine attorney in New Jersey, has an exceptional understanding of the legal intricacies of related cases. He profoundly understands that vaccines, like drugs, sometimes induce adverse reactions, which include hypersensitivities, allergies, autoimmunity, or immune dysregulation. Severe or fatal responses are nearly impossible to predict with current medical technology.

While specific medical tests can potentially identify susceptibility to severe vaccine reactions, few physicians are versed in these methods or the relevant literature. However, these tests could be more foolproof. Moreover, predicting potential vaccine injuries remains virtually impossible due to expense and insurance limitations.

4. The Proactive Path Post-Vaccine Injury

Mr. Stavola is ready to guide clients through every step when encountering suspected vaccine injury. His services as a vaccine injury attorney in New Jersey are free, with fees covered by the U.S. federal government. He will professionally assess each case and recommend whether filing a petition to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims—the court responsible for ruling on vaccine injury cases—is advisable.

Most vaccines fall under the coverage of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which administers compensation to petitioners. It includes seasonal influenza, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Pneumococcal conjugate, and Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.

After submission of a petition, there is a systematic exchange with government experts, ideally leading to the case’s Special Master agreement that the administered vaccine caused the adverse health outcome. Consequently, damages are determined and issued.

5. Accessible Nationwide

Mr. Stavola is a beacon of legal support for people in all states, as he serves as a vaccine injury lawyer for entire United States, licensed in the United States Court of Federal Claims: https://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/  
If a prospective client suspects they have experienced a vaccine injury in any US state, he is ready to help.

6. Vaccine Inquiries Criteria

Vaccine injuries profoundly impact individuals and their families; however, not all reactions qualify for compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). To be considered, vaccine adverse events must meet at least one of the following requirements (see the following comprehensive government guide, explaining the vaccine injury compensation process: https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vicp/about-vaccine-injury-compensation-program-booklet.pdf ):

  • They have lasted at least six months after the initial vaccine was administered.
  • They required hospitalization and surgery.
  • They resulted in death.

7. Evaluating Your Vaccine Injury

Regardless of the situation, our experienced vaccine injury attorney evaluates each case to determine eligibility, guiding clients through the necessary legal standards and processes. He works closely with medical professionals to assess the extent of the injuries and understand the impact on his clients’ lives. This evaluation process is designed to build a robust case, maximizing the chances of receiving fair compensation. 
Vaccine injuries can manifest in numerous different ways. For example, some of the most common vaccine side effects or vaccine injuries complained of include the following, as listed on the vaccine injury table: https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vicp/vaccine-injury-table-01-03-2022.pdf 
Symptoms of the most common vaccine side effects / vaccine injuries are as follows (among many others; non-exhaustive list): 
 Anaphylaxis: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anaphylaxis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351468
 Encephalopathy / encephalitis: https://www.webmd.com/brain/what-is-encephalopathy 
 Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration: https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/what-is-sirva

8. The Importance of Having Legal Representation

Mr. Stavola is dedicated to representing victims of vaccine injuries, advocating for their rights, and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. His expertise in vaccine injury law ensures that every aspect of a case is professionally managed, from filling a petition to representing clients in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Trust our recognized vaccine injury law office to represent your case by scheduling an appointment today.